• 复能易锦提供的全部人类和小鼠ORF克隆及相关慢病毒和AAV病毒,所提供的载体质粒均采用毛细管电泳sanger全长测序验证,并承诺编码的氨基酸序列与NCBI数据库匹配。
    All human and mice ORF clones and related Lentivirus, AAV particles and recombinant proteins provided by iGeneBio are fully sequenced using Sanger sequencing by capillary electrophoresis and Amino Acid Sequences are guaranteed to be matched with NCBI database.
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冠状病毒(SARS-CoV、MERS-CoV) ORF克隆、慢病毒及AAV病毒系统

GeneCopoeia提供OmicsLink™即用型 ORF表达克隆,在表达即用型ORF cDNA克隆领域处于行业领先地位,我们也携带启动子和3′ UTR microRNA (miRNA)结合位点靶点的报告质粒克隆。我们可以在250多种的载体中为其他冠状病毒(SARS-CoV、MERS-CoV)蛋白提供质粒克隆。请使用下面的下拉菜单进行选择。




冠状病毒 SARS-CoV 蛋白克隆

SARS病毒属于套式病毒目、冠状病毒科、冠状病毒属,为β属B亚群冠状病毒。 病毒粒子多呈圆形,有囊膜,外周有冠状排列的纤突,分布于细胞浆中,呈圆形,病毒直径在80~120nm之间。由SARS-CoV病毒引起的严重急性呼吸综合征(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,简称SARS)于2002年在中国广东发生,并扩散至东南亚乃至全球,直至2003年中期疫情才被逐渐消灭的一次全球性传染病疫潮。

Product ID Accession Symbol Aliases Description
SV01_01 NP_828860.1 orf1ab sars1 leader protein
SV01_02 NP_828861.1 orf1ab sars1 counterpart of MHV p65
SV01_03 NP_828862.1 orf1ab sars1 nsp3-pp1a/pp1ab
SV01_04 NP_828863.1 orf1ab sars1 3C-like proteinase
SV01_05 NP_828864.1 orf1ab sars1 nsp6-pp1a/pp1ab (TM3)
SV01_06 NP_828865.1 orf1ab sars1 nsp7-pp1a/pp1ab
SV01_07 NP_828866.1 orf1ab sars1 nsp8-pp1a/pp1ab
SV01_08 NP_828867.1 orf1ab sars1 ssRNA-binding protein
SV01_09 NP_828868.1 orf1ab sars1 formerly known as growth-factor-like protein(GFL)
SV01_10 NP_828869.1 orf1ab sars1 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
SV01_11 NP_828870.1 orf1ab sars1 nsp13-pp1ab (ZD, NTPase/HEL; RNA 5′-triphosphatase)
SV01_12 NP_828871.1 orf1ab sars1 3′-to-5′ exonuclease
SV01_13 NP_828872.1 orf1ab sars1 uridylate-specific endoribonuclease NendoU
SV01_14 NP_828873.1 orf1ab sars1 2′-O-ribose methyltransferase (2′-o-MT)
SV03_01 NP_828851.1 S sars2 E2 glycoprotein precursor
SV04_01 NP_828852.1 sars3a hypothetical protein sars3a
SV05_01 NP_828853.1 sars3b hypothetical protein sars3b
SV06_01 NP_828854.1 E sars4 protein E
SV07_01 NP_828855.1 M sars5 matrix protein
SV08_01 NP_828856.1 sars6 hypothetical protein sars6
SV09_01 NP_828857.1 sars7a hypothetical protein sars7a
SV10_01 NP_828858.1 N sars9a nucleocapsid protein
SV11_01 NP_828859.1 sars9b hypothetical protein sars9b


冠状病毒 MERS-CoV 蛋白克隆

MERS病毒是一种β属C亚群冠状病毒, 全名为中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus,简称MERS-CoV),感染后引发中东呼吸综合征(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome,简称MERS)。MERS-CoV最早于2012年9月在沙特被发现,而且大多数MERS-CoV病毒感染病例发生在沙特。

Product ID Accession Symbol Aliases Description
MV01 YP_009047202.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 1ab polyprotein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], full-length gene
MV02 YP_009047213.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp1 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV03 YP_009047214.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp2 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV04 YP_009047215.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp3 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV05 YP_009047216.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp4 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV06 YP_009047217.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp5 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV07 YP_009047218.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp6 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV08 YP_009047219.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp7 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV09 YP_009047220.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp8 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV10 YP_009047221.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp9 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV11 YP_009047222.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp10 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV12 YP_009047223.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp12 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV13 YP_009047224.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp13 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV14 YP_009047225.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp14 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV15 YP_009047226.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp15 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV16 YP_009047227.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp16 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV17 YP_009047203.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 1A polyprotein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], full-length gene
MV18 YP_009047228.1 orf1ab G128_gp01 nsp11 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], mat_peptide
MV19 YP_009047204.1 S G128_gp02 spike glycoprotein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], full-length gene
MV20 YP_009047205.1 orf3 G128_gp03 NS3 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], full-length gene
MV21 YP_009047206.1 orf4a G128_gp04 NS4A protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], full-length gene
MV22 YP_009047207.1 orf4b G128_gp05 NS4B protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], full-length gene
MV23 YP_009047208.1 orf5 G128_gp06 NS5 protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], full-length gene
MV24 YP_009047209.1 E G128_gp07 envelope protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], full-length gene
MV25 YP_009047210.1 M G128_gp08 membrane protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], full-length gene
MV26 YP_009047211.1 N G128_gp09 nucleoprotein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], full-length gene
MV27 YP_009047212.1 orf8b G128_gp10 ORF8b protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus], full-length gene



