GeneCopoeia提供慢病毒载体的ORF、启动子、shRNA、miRNA前体克隆和 miRNA抑制剂克隆,有丰富的融合标签供选择,例如IRES-eGFP、 Avitag®和HaloTag®等。生产过程有严格的质量控制,所有克隆经过全长测序,可用于即时表达。还提供优化的慢病毒包装质粒、细胞系、慢病毒浓缩试剂盒、 慢病毒颗粒以及慢病毒包装服务。 |
慢病毒载体ORF、启动子、shRNA和microRNA克隆的优势高效整合基因至多种靶细胞慢病毒系统可高效地把基因转染到活体模式动物和几乎所有的哺乳动物细胞中,包括未分化、处于不活跃或停止生长的细胞,包括神经元细胞、原代细胞、干细胞。慢病毒转导效率接近100%。是理想的表达载体系统。 靶基因的高表达水平慢病毒表达载体类型包括N或C末端带有融合标签、或不带标签。载体带有可进行高效率包装、转染并稳定整合进靶细胞的基因组中的序列元件,从而使得我们的表达克隆在靶细胞中高效表达。 慢病毒自身复制灭活OmicsLink™人类ORF 慢病毒表达克隆所采用的载体是自身复制灭活的,由于细胞不带有病毒外壳基因,转染后的细胞并不能产生病毒粒子。此外整合进基因组后导致5’ LTR启动子失活,阻止了慢病毒的复制。 |
浏览 ORF/cDNA慢病毒载体, shRNA慢病毒载体, microRNA慢病毒载体, 启动子慢病毒载体。
ORF慢病毒表达载体(HIV) |
载体 | 启动子 | 宿主细胞 | 筛选标记 | 标签 | 蛋白酶位点 |
pReceiver-Lv117 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | N-3xHA | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv118 | CMV | Mammalian | Neomycin | N-3xHA | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv145 | EF1a | Mammalian | Hygromycin | SV40-hygromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv163 | EF1a | Mammalian | Neomycin | SV40-neomycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv170 | CMV | Mammalian | Neomycin | C-Myc | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv181 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | N-3xFlag | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv185 | PGK | Mammalian | Puromycin | Untagged | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv188 | CMV | Mammalian | N/A | C-eGFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv193 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-eGFP(monomeric) | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv195 | EF1a | Mammalian | Puromycin | SV40-puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv197 | CMV | Mammalian | Blasticidin | Untagged | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv218 | CMV | Mammalian | Neomycin | IRES2-Neomycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv219 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | IRES2-Puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv221 | CMV | Mammalian | N/A | IRES2-eYFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv222 | CMV | Mammalian | N/A | IRES2-eCFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv233 | EF1a | Mammalian | Puromycin | SV40-eGFP-IRES-Puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv234 | CAG | Mammalian | N/A | IRES2-eGFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv235 | CAG | Mammalian | Puromycin | SV40-eGFP-IRES-Puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv236 | CAG | Mammalian | Puromycin | Untagged | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv237 | CAG | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-Flag-SV40-Puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv241 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-Flag-SV40-Puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv243 | CAG | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-Avi-Flag-SV40-Puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv244 | CMV | Mammalian | Hygromycin | SV40-mCherry-IRES-Hygromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv245 | EF1a | Mammalian | Puromycin | cMyc-SV40-mCherry-IRES-Puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv246 | UBC | Mammalian | Puromycin | SV40-eGFP-IRES-Puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv247 | UBC | Mammalian | Puromycin | IRES2-mCherry-IRES-Puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv251 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-3XFlag-SV40-Puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv253 | EF1a | Mammalian | Puromycin | SV40-mcherry-IRES-Puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv254 | EF1a | Mammalian | Neomycin | SV40-mcherry-IRES-Neomycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv105 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | Untagged | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv151 | CMV | Mammalian | Neomycin | Untagged | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv152 | CMV | Mammalian | Hygromycin | Untagged | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv153 | CMV | Mammalian | N/A | Untagged | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv186 | CMV | Mammalian | N/A | C-3xHA | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv157 | CMV | Mammalian | Neomycin | C-3xHA | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv120 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-3xHA | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv108 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | N-Avi | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv124 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-Avi | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv242 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-Avi-FLAG | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv154 | CMV | Mammalian | Neomycin | C-eCFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv127 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-eCFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv109 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | N-eCFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv103 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | N-eGFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv122 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-eGFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv182 | CMV | Mammalian | Neomycin | N-eGFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv183 | CMV | Mammalian | Neomycin | C-eGFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv189 | CMV | Mammalian | N/A | N-eGFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv123 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-eYFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv104 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | N-eYFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv187 | CMV | Mammalian | N/A | C-FLAG | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv101 | CMV | Mammalian | Neomycin | N-Flag | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv102 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | N-Flag | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv158 | CMV | Mammalian | Neomycin | C-FLAG | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv203 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-Flag-SV40-eGFP-IRES-puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv216 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-Flag-SV40-mCherry-IRES-puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv129 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-HaloTag | Tev |
pReceiver-Lv110 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | N-HaloTag | Tev |
pReceiver-Lv211 | CMV | Mammalian | Hygromycin | C-HaloTag-IRES-hygromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv128 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-His | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv215 | CMV | Mammalian | N/A | IRES2-eGFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv205 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | IRES2-eGFP-IRES-puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv220 | CMV | Mammalian | Hygromycin | IRES2-Hygromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv214 | CMV | Mammalian | N/A | IRES2-mCherry | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv213 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | IRES2-mCherry-IRES-puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv111 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | N-mCherry | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv130 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-mCherry | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv155 | CMV | Mammalian | Neomycin | C-mCherry | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv107 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | N-Myc | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv125 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-Myc | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv126 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-Myc-His | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv202 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-Myc-SV40-eGFP-IRES-puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv204 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | C-Myc-SV40-mCherry-IRES-puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv207 | CMV | Mammalian | Hygromycin | SV40-eGFP-IRES-hygromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv201 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | SV40-eGFP-IRES-puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv217 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | SV40-hLUC-IRES-puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv206 | CMV | Mammalian | Puromycin | SV40-mCherry-IRES-puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv171 | EF1a | Mammalian | N/A | IRES-eGFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv173 | EF1a | Mammalian | N/A | IRES-mcherry | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv180 | EF1a | Mammalian | Puromycin | IRES-mcherry-SV40-puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv179 | EF1a | Mammalian | Puromycin | IRES-eGFP-SV40-puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv228 | PGK | Mammalian | N/A | IRES2-eGFP | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv229 | PGK | Mammalian | N/A | IRES2-mcherry | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv230 | PGK | Mammalian | Puromycin | IRES2-mcherry-IRES-puromycin | N/A |
pReceiver-Lv231 | PGK | Mammalian | Puromycin | IRES2-eGFP-IRES-puromycin | N/A |
pLX304 | CMV | Mammalian | Blasticidin | C-V5 | N/A |
shRNA慢病毒表达载体 |
载体名称 | 启动子 | 筛选标记 | 报告基因 | 慢病毒骨架 |
psi-LVRH1GH | H1 | Hygromycin | eGFP | HIV |
psi-LVRH1GP | H1 | Puromycin | eGFP | HIV |
psi-LVRH1H | H1 | Hygromycin | N/A | HIV |
psi-LVRH1MH | H1 | Hygromycin | mCherry | HIV |
psi-LVRH1MP | H1 | Puromycin | mCherry | HIV |
psi-LVRH1P | H1 | Puromycin | N/A | HIV |
psi-LVRU6GH | U6 | Hygromycin | eGFP | HIV |
psi-LVRU6GP | U6 | Puromycin | eGFP | HIV |
psi-LVRU6H | U6 | Hygromycin | N/A | HIV |
psi-LVRU6MH | U6 | Hygromycin | mCherry | HIV |
psi-LVRU6MP | U6 | Puromycin | mCherry | HIV |
psi-LVRU6P | U6 | Puromycin | N/A | HIV |
psi-LVRInU6TGP | inducible U6 | Puromycin | eGFP | HIV |
microRNA前体慢病毒表达载体 |
载体名称 | 报告基因 | 筛选标记 | 启动子 | 慢病毒骨架 |
pEZX-MR02 | mCherry | Puromycin | CMV | HIV |
pEZX-MR03 | eGFP | Puromycin | CMV | HIV |
microRNA抑制剂慢病毒表达载体 |
载体名称 | 报告基因 | 筛选标记 | 启动子 | 慢病毒骨架 |
pEZX-AM03 | mCherry | Hygromycin | H1 | HIV |
pEZX-AM04 | mCherry | Hygromycin | U6 | HIV |
pEZX-AM04p | mCherry | Puromycin | U6 | HIV |
慢病毒载体的启动子报告克隆 |
载体名称 | 报告基因 | 示踪基因 | 筛选标记 | 载体骨架 |
pEZX-LvPG04 | Gaussia luciferase (GLuc) | Secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) | Puromycin | HIV |
pEZX-LvPG02 | Gaussia luciferase (GLuc) | N/A* | Puromycin | HIV |
pEZX-LvPF02 | eGFP | N/A* | Puromycin | HIV |
pEZX-LvPM02 | mCherry | N/A* | Puromycin | HIV |
pEZX-LvPM03 | tdTomato | N/A* | Puromycin | HIV |
Cas9 nuclease lentiviral expression clones
载体名称 | 启动子 | 报告基因 | 筛选标记 | 载体骨架 |
CP-LvC9NU-01 | CMV | N/A | Neomycin | HIV |
CP-LvC9NU-02 | CMV | eGFP | Neomycin | HIV |
CP-LvC9NU-08 | EF1α | N/A | Puromycin | HIV |
CP-LvC9NU-09 | EF1α | eGFP | Neomycin | HIV |
CP-LvC9NU-10 | EF1α | eGFP | Hygromycin | HIV |
慢病毒载体的编码基因克隆 |
慢病毒载体的shRNA克隆 |
慢病毒载体的miRNA前体及inhibitor克隆 |
慢病毒载体的启动子克隆 |
下载 |
Plasmid Prep Protocol for Lentiviral clones |
- Zheng, Y., et al. (2023). Chronic psychological stress promotes breast cancer pre-metastatic niche formation by mobilizing splenic MDSCs via TAM/CXCL1 signaling. J Exp Clin Cancer Res doi: 10.1186/s13046-023-02696-z [GLuc-ON™ promoter-reporter clone; Secrete-Pair™ Dual Luminescence Assay Kit; OMICSLINK™ Lentiviral ORF vector; polybrene reagent]
- Yu, C., et al. (2023). Flot2 acts as a novel mediator of podocyte injury in proteinuric kidney disease. Int J Biol Sci doi: 10.7150/ijbs.78945 [OMICSLINK™ empty vector; GLuc-ON™ promoter reporter clone; Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packing Kit; Secrete-Pair™ Dual Luminescence Assay Kit]
- Li, X., et al. (2023). Ultrasensitive sensors reveal the spatiotemporal landscape of lactate metabolism in physiology and disease. Cell Metabolism doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2022.10.002 [Lenti-Pac™ lentivirus concentration kit]
- Yang, Q., et al. (2023). N4‐Acetylcytidine Drives Glycolysis Addiction in Gastric Cancer via NAT10/SEPT9/HIF‐1α Positive Feedback Loop. Advanced Science doi: 10.1002/advs.202300898 [Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit; OMICSLINK™ lentiviral shRNA clone; miTarget™ 3′ UTR Clone; Luc-Pair™ Duo-Luciferase HS Assay Kit]
- Wong, S.W.K., et al. (2023). Small Extracellular Vesicle-Derived vWF Induces a Positive Feedback Loop between Tumor and Endothelial Cells to Promote Angiogenesis and Metastasis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Advanced Science doi: 10.1002/advs.202302677 [Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit]
- Li, L., et al. (2023). FSCN1 promotes proliferation; invasion and glycolysis via the IRF4/AKT signaling pathway in oral squamous cell carcinoma. BMC Oral Health doi: 10.1186/s12903-023-03191-9 [OMICSLINK™ FSCN1 shRNA clone; Lenti-Pac™ HIV expression packaging kit]
- Passariello, M., et al. (2023). Comparative Analysis of a Human Neutralizing mAb Specific for SARS-CoV-2 Spike-RBD with Cilgavimab and Tixagevimab for the Efficacy on the Omicron Variant in Neutralizing and Detection Assays. Int J Mol Sci doi: 10.3390/ijms241210053 [Lenti-Pac™ SARS-CoV-2 Truncated Spike protein-pseudotyped (D614G) Lentivirus Packaging Kit]
- Tien, J., et al. (2023). Modifying antibody-FcRn interactions to increase the transport of antibodies through the blood-brain barrier. MAbs doi: 10.1080/19420862.2023.2229098 [OMICSLINK™ mouse Fcgrt, B2m Lentiviral ORF expression clone]
- Cruz, M.A., et al. (2023). Micronutrient optimization for tissue engineered articular cartilage production of type II collagen. Front Bioeng Biotechnol doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2023.1179332 [Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit; GLuc-ON™ COL2A1 promoter-reporter clone]
- Guo, L., et al. (2023). Directed natural evolution generates a next-generation oncolytic virus with a high potency and safety profile. Nat Commun doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-39156-3 [OMICSLINK™ nsP3 Lentiviral ORF expression clone]
- Li, K., et al. (2023). Dysregulation of PLOD2 Promotes Tumor Metastasis and Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. J Clin Transl Hepatol doi: 10.14218/JCTH.2022.00401 [Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit; EndoFectin™ Lenti]
- Hosaka, K., et al. (2023). Perivascular localized cells commit erythropoiesis in PDGF‐B‐expressing solid tumors. Cancer Commun (Lond) doi: 10.1002/cac2.12423 [Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit]
- Tsukui, D., et al. (2023). GM-CSF receptor/SYK/JNK/FOXO1/CD11c signaling promotes atherosclerosis. iScience doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107293 [OMICSLINK™ Lentiviral expression clone; Secrete-Pair™ Dual Luminescence Assay Kit]
- Yuan, S-S.F., et al. (2023). IL-1RA promotes oral squamous cell carcinoma malignancy through mitochondrial metabolism-mediated EGFR/JNK/SOX2 pathway. J Transl Med doi: 10.1186/s12967-023-04343-9 [OMICSLINK™ IL1RN Lentiviral ORF expression clone]
- Muoio, M.G., et al. (2023). RAGE inhibition blunts insulin-induced oncogenic signals in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res doi: 10.1186/s13058-023-01686-5 [Lenti-Pac™ 293Ta cell line]
- Yoshizue, T., et al. (2023). Antisera Produced Using an E. coli-Expressed SARS-CoV-2 RBD and Complemented with a Minimal Dose of Mammalian-Cell-Expressed S1 Subunit of the Spike Protein Exhibits Improved Neutralization. Int J Mol Sci doi: 10.3390/ijms241310583[Lenti-Pac™ SARS-CoV-2 Truncated Spike protein-pseudotyped (D614G) Lentivirus Packaging Kit]
- Wang, X-X., et al. (2023). CCNB1 is involved in bladder cancer pathogenesis and silencing CCNB1 decelerates tumor growth and improves prognosis of bladder cancer. Exp Ther Med doi: 10.3892/etm.2023.12081 [Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit]
- Li, F., et al. (2023). RIPK1-dependent necroptosis promotes vasculogenic mimicry formation via eIF4E in triple-negative breast cancer. Cell Death Dis doi: 10.1038/s41419-023-05841-w [Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit; OMICSLINK™ RIPK1, EIF4E ORF expression clone; OMICSLINK™ RIPK1 shRNA expression clones]
- Wei, Y., et al. (2023). LncRNA XIST promotes adjuvant-induced arthritis by increasing the expression of YY1 via miR-34a-5p. Arch Rheumatol doi: 10.46497/ArchRheumatol.2022.9250 [miExpress™ inhibitor clone; OMICSLINK™ lentiviral shRNA clone; OMICSLINK™ ORF expression clones; Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit]
- Huang, X., et al. (2023). Downregulation of LncRNA GCLC-1 Promotes Microcystin-LR-Induced Malignant Transformation of Human Liver Cells by Regulating GCLC Expression. Toxics doi: 10.3390/toxics11020162 [OMICSLINK™ shRNA clones targeting LOC101927136; Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit]
- Mansouri, M., et al. (2023). Protein Networks Associated with Native Metabotropic Glutamate 1 Receptors (mGlu1) in the Mouse Cerebellum. Cells doi: 10.3390/cells12091325 [OMICSLINK™ mouse Glu1α ORF expression clone; OMICSLINK™ mouse KCTD12 lentiviral ORF expression clone]
- Parween, F., et al. (2023). Chemokine positioning determines mutually exclusive roles for their receptors in extravasation of pathogenic human T cells. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2023.01.25.525561 [Lentifect™ lentiviral particles]
- Singh, S.P., et al. (2023). Human CCR6+ Th cells show both an extended stable gradient of Th17 activity and imprinted plasticity. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2023.01.05.522630 [Lentifect™ lentiviral particles; OMICSLINK™ Lentiviral ORF expression clone]
- Kim, G.S., et al. (2023). Single-cell analysis identifies Ifi27l2a as a novel gene regulator of microglial inflammation in the context of aging and stroke. Res Sq doi: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2557290/v1 [Lentifect™ lentiviral particles]
- Zhu, Y., et al. (2023). Research on Radiosensitivity of the Protein Kinase B Signaling Pathway in Cervical Cancer. Comput Math Methods Med doi: 10.1155/2021/6350038 [Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit; OMICSLINK™ shRNA clone]
- Liu, Q., et al. (2023). A long non-coding RNA H19/microRNA-138/TLR3 network is involved in high phosphorus-mediated vascular calcification and chronic kidney disease. Cell Cycle doi: 10.1080/15384101.2022.2064957 [Lentifect™ lentiviral particles]
- Li, X., et al. (2023). Beclin1- and Atg13-dependent autophagy activation and morroniside have synergistic effect on osteoblastogenesis. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) doi: 10.1177/15353702221116879 [Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit; OMICSLINK™ Lentiviral ORF expression clone]
- Han, W., et al. (2023). Exploiting the tumor-suppressive activity of the androgen receptor by CDK4/6 inhibition in castration-resistant prostate cancer. Mol Ther doi: 10.1016/j.ymthe.2022.01.039 [Lentifect™ shRNA lentiviral particles]
- Hasan, K.M., et al. (2023). Fatty Acid Excess Dysregulates CARF to Initiate the Development of Hepatic Steatosis. Cells doi: 10.3390/cells12071069 [AAVPrime™ AAV particles expressing CARF and AAV-empty vector; OMICSLINK™ CARF Lentiviral ORF expression clone]
- Zhang, X., et al. (2023). IGFBP3 induced by the TGF-β/EGFRvIII transactivation contributes to the malignant phenotype of glioblastoma. iScience doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.106639 [shIGFBP3 lentiviral particles and control (psi-LvRU6rLP) ; Lentifect™ shRNA lentiviral particles]
- Lang, L., et al. (2023). Adaptive c-Met-PLXDC2 Signaling Axis Mediates Cancer Stem Cell Plasticity to Confer Radioresistance-associated Aggressiveness in Head and Neck Cancer. Cancer Res Commun doi: 10.1158/2767-9764.CRC-22-0289 [Lenti-Pac™ 293Ta Cell Line]
- Georgakopoulos-Soares, L., et al. (2023). Transcription factor binding site orientation and order are major drivers of gene regulatory activity. Nat Commun doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-37960-5 [Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit]
- Huang, W-J., et al. (2023). The β-catenin-LINC00183-miR-371b-5p-Smad2/LEF1 axis promotes adult T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma progression and chemoresistance. J Exp Clin Cancer Res doi: 10.1186/s13046-023-02670-9 [8 mg/mL polybrene]
- Shi, Y., et al. (2023). PRMT3-mediated arginine methylation of IGF2BP1 promotes oxaliplatin resistance in liver cancer. Nat Commun doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-37542-5 [dCas9 lentivirus]
- Jiang, L., et al. (2023). Chaperoning of specific tau structure by immunophilin FKBP12 regulates the neuronal resilience to extracellular stress. Sci Adv doi: 10.1126/sciadv.add9789 [OMICSLINK™ NEUROG2 Lentiviral ORF expression clone]
- Zhang, R., et al. (2023). Mesenchymal stem cell suppresses the efficacy of CAR-T toward killing lymphoma cells by modulating the microenvironment through stanniocalcin-1. eLife doi: 10.7554/eLife.82934 [Lenti-Pac™ HIV expression packaging kit]
- Deng,Y., et al. (2023). NUF2 Promotes Breast Cancer Development as a New Tumor Stem Cell Indicator. Int J Mol Sci doi: 10.3390/ijms24044226 [Lenti-Pac™ HIV qRT-PCR Titration Kit]
- Stierschneider, A., et al. (2023). Comparative and Temporal Characterization of LPS and Blue-Light-Induced TLR4 Signal Transduction and Gene Expression in Optogenetically Manipulated Endothelial Cells. Cells doi: 10.3390/cells12050697 [Lenti-Pac™ 293Ta Cell Line]
- Koesterich, J., et al. (2023). Characterization of De Novo Promoter Variants in Autism Spectrum Disorder with Massively Parallel Reporter Assays. Int J Mol Sci doi: 10.3390/ijms24043509 [Lenti-PAC™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit]
- Jia, Y., et al. (2023). Tripartite motif containing 69 elicits ERK2-dependent EYA4 turnover to impart pancreatic tumorigenesis. J Cancer doi: 10.7150/jca.79905 [TRIM69 sgRNA lentivirus]
- Luo, F., et al. (2023). Hypermethylation of HIC2 is a potential prognostic biomarker and tumor suppressor of glioma based on bioinformatics analysis and experiments. CNS Neurosci Ther doi: 10.1111/cns.14093 [Lenti-PAC™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit]
- Rao, X., et al. (2023). Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4/Midline‐1 Axis Promotes T Lymphocyte Motility in Atherosclerosis. Adv Sci (Weinh) doi: 10.1002/advs.202204194 [Lentifect™ Lentiviral particles expressing Mid1]
- Fuller, M.J., et al. (2023). Investigating role of ASIC2 in synaptic and behavioral responses to drugs of abuse. Front Mol Biosci doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2023.1118754 [Lentifect™ Lentiviral particles expressing Asic2a and Asic2b]
- Huang, Z., et al. (2023). CaMKII may regulate renal tubular epithelial cell apoptosis through YAP/NFAT2 in acute kidney injury mice. Ren Fail doi: 10.1080/0886022X.2023.2172961 [Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packing Kit]
- Zhang, C., et al. (2023). Carbonic Anhydrase IX Controls Vulnerability to Ferroptosis in Gefitinib-Resistant Lung Cancer. Oxid Med Cell Longev doi: 10.1155/2023/1367938 [lentiviral vector]
- Zhang, Y., et al. (2023). Extracellular Vesicles Expressing CD19 Antigen Improve Expansion and Efficacy of CD19-Targeted CAR-T Cells. Int J Nanomedicine doi: 10.2147/IJN.S390720 [lentiviral vector pCDH-CMV-CD19]
- Pallichankandy, S., et al. (2023). Targeting oxeiptosis-mediated tumor suppression: a novel approach to treat colorectal cancers by sanguinarine. Cell Death Discov doi: 10.1038/s41420-023-01376-3 [Lenti-Pac™ Expression Packaging Kit]
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